Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ghost's and The Deathly Hurt (Part One.)

As I stand there knowing I can't do anything to help my brother, I am crying my eyes out. A few days ago my brother and I decided to go into the woods to check it out. We hadn't been living there for very long only about 5 weeks tops. Little did we know that it was haunted, being us we didn't believe in ghost or anything like that. One of my friends brother said he saw one when he went into the same exact woods. Obviously at this point, we didn't believe him. I bet your thinking, our mother and father would be so worried about us being out for over 3 days. Well they don't, they're dead. A few days ago my mum died. Thats when we dissapeared, we couldn't handle the pain of knowing they were both gone. Thats when our life threating decision was made. To go.

Cover By Choccie101

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